Hi, how is it possible to something as thing, usually when i have a large surface on a 2k map it looks like the resolution is so low after i scale the texture,. is there a rule when it comes to mapping large surfaces? also when using a modular workflow for parts in games how to avoid seems without placing a separate object between the two modular pieces are are instances?
If you are asking about lighting seams, this really depends on how you are lighting your scene and in what engine. If you are using fully dynamic lighting as long as the vertex normals at your seams line up it should light seamlessly. But if you are using lightmass in UE4, it currently has a problem with maintaining lighting consistency across static meshes as a result of lightmass processing different meshes on different threads. There are things you can do to improve it (read the thread), but as far as I know right now the only 100% solution is to merge your modular pieces together the way you want them before exporting from your 3D app.
So for large surfaces you either need to break them into unique pieces, or use the tiling/decal technique @AtticusMars mentioned. Or depending on the asset in question you can blend several maps to lessen the obvious appearance of tiling a single texture.