I'm creating a few custom bones for a CAT rig to add a few extra arms and mandables and such. My plan was to create one complete rig and duplicate that as a backup, so I can work on finetuning the other. And later also create several copies of the same skinned & posed rig in a scene. But whenever I copy the rig I have so far, the custom bones for some reason reset to the ground and I can't seem to get them to stay put. They do stay put when I simply move the first rig, but as soon as I create a copy, they flip out and stuck to the floor. Here's a screenshot:
Does anyone know what this might be and how I might solve it? I've spent way too many hours looking up youtube videos and googling this in an attempt to find an answer. I just want it to be over!
How are you copying it?
Have you tried saving and then loading a Cat Rig Preset file? (RG3)
I'm creating the bones by clicking on 'Add Bone', in this case either on the rib cage or the head.
When I'm copying, it's the shift+click&drag>copy method while selecting the entire CAT rig. I also tried first applying a skin modifier, but the same warping occured, dragging the skin with it.
Yes I did actually experiment with a cat rig preset, but that didn't do anything, sadly.
Eventually I made the front "arms" by shaping actual Arm limbs into them, and then when I copy those arms do stay put, but it seems very odd and a bit more work than I'd expect to use arms for the facial features aswell. Adding bones seems far more reasonable. But if I can't figure out how to use bones, I'll have to use limbs instead.