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Handpainted texture challenge!

polycounter lvl 4
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ChristopheS polycounter lvl 4
Hi everyone! ^^

I wanted to practise some handpainted texturing again, but it's been a while since I last did this. So, before I go all crazy with modeling and stuff, I wanted to go back to the basics and make some handpainted tiling textures. Therefore I've set up a challenge for myself to make 9 textures, only by using photoshop. These 9 textures will consist of 3 wood textures, 3 stone textures and 3 ground textures. After that I'll give a shot at some handpainted sculpted textures (same challenge) and so on... 

Here are the first two stone textures, still wip. If any of you got some nice feedback, it will be highly appreciated!

Thanks in advance! :smiley: 

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