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Golem Attack : a UE4 project to learn the basics of scripting, rigging and animating a game!

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Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
Hey guys! I have recently started this project on which I will work for a couple of months to learn mainly learn scripting but I have noticed that it was also a perfect opportunity to practice rigging and animating and low poly modeling!

I will start off with some concepts and mock ups followed by my first basic models and animations and hopefully be able to show some images and gifs of the game as I progress! And who knows, maybe I will make a fully playable (but small) game!
(talk about wishful thinking haha)

The basis of the game is quite simple. 

You will start off as an earth golem who has to square off against golems of other elements.
Defeating these other golems will net you their essences, when you gather enough of those you can transform it into a new limb. You can then choose to attach these (or not). These new limbs of other elements will greatly effect how your skills behave!
Who knows what combinations might be deadly, and which ones will make you eat your foot!

Basic WASD movement with 3-4 skills that you have to activate, point and then click to fully complete!

Feedback is MORE than welcome.

Thanks for reading this and have a nice day :)

15th of June UPDATE ::

Have a look at the bottom most post for the most recent update!

Longer gif at the bottom and an explanation of the attack!
EDIT: Fully improved the look and feel, updates always the bottom most posts!


  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Here are some of the first concepts, I will leave the design document out, since that is pretty personal and very up in the air for changes.

    Here is the first very very basic mock up haha, here I meant to make some things clear to me and friends and get the gist of it.


    Here I tried to show the basic idea of combining essences into new limbs, and how that would effect your skills.

    This is a quick mock up that I made today, with some of the first models, the golem in the center is an actual model, fully rigged and with a basic idle, walk cycle and a first throw at the animations of the first skill. I will to upload some close ups and gifs tomorrow!

  • mats effect
    Sounds interesting, a nice little project to learn some new skills. I would recommend you re-upload those screenshots as jpeg's at 10/12 quality (from photoshop). Took forever to load and most people are not going to stay around that long meaning you won't get much feedback. 
  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Hey Mats Effect! I did it probably while you were typing your reply, because I thought the exact same thing!
    They should go faster now :)
  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Hey guys! 

    Another update, I have modeled the first golem, rigged and animated him. Made my first projectile and particles as well together with some destructibles. I wish I understood how destructibles worked because right now they are doing things they really should not haha, but I will figure it out!

    Idle pose gif

    Walk cycle gif

    Lift gif (wanna put a socket in his arms so he can lift a boulder that I would spawn at a certain point of the animation)

    Throw gif (to be used after the lift, the reason I didnt make one animation out of it is because I hope to let him idle and walk while holding the end of the lift animation, giving the player to wait before he throws the projectile)

    Here you can see a pillar collapsing because you walked against it.

    My first projectile!

    Same projectile (fireball) colliding with the meshes.

  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Spend most of my time on making a a good base for several things so I dont have much visual improvement to show right now.

    The destructibles still dont work properly.
    Right now you have enemy golems with some basic AI which consists out of : Idle, Patrol, Notice player, chase player to last seen position, if they dont get a new marker (player manages to run around a corner before the enemy finishes reaching the previous last known position) they will go back and continue patrolling. 
    When you are in their cone of sight they will stay at a certain distance away from you (in preparation of their ranged attacks which I am making right now)
    You however can throw a boulder at them already which kills them in two hits. Animation blueprints are a pain in my ass right now tho.
    Gif shows an example of this. Does anybody know how I can include gifs in here? Or is it better to keep em remote?
  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Another quick update, you can now 'throw' (those goddamn animations blueprints are still killing me) a boulder at the enemy. They can 'attack' you as well if you stay in their line of sight and at the correct distance too long. 
    To make this clear I made a quick floating combat text widget, still trying to figure out how to change something as simple as the color tho haha
    A gif to show it :) If anybody has any complaints or ideas/feedback, be sure to hit me up! This project is far from set in stone, its purely to practice some things, but I do hope to make a fun game that people would actually want to play!
  • Infandum
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    Infandum polycounter lvl 2
    are the golems destructible aswel? because that would be nice i think if when the golems "die" that break aswel.
  • MrRik
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    MrRik polycounter lvl 7
    Cool stuff! Going to follow this for sure :) I like your golem alot the only thing that is slightly bothering me are your level assets. If I compare the golem with those I would rather go for a more nature looking feel scene instead of the standard dungeoncrawler graphics.
  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    They arent right now @Infandum  
    but I think I will just give them some animations and counters.
    For example, if a golem takes x-amount of damage, those parts crumble away or his arm falls off.
    Because destructibles are giving me a lot of issues and arent very tweakable in that aspect.

    And thanks @MrRik
    I never even considered a nature scene, its funny that you should say so, because that does make some sense.
    I should really decide where the setting will be.
  • dDissAa
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    dDissAa polycounter lvl 3
    Hey Shiverspine.

    I like your progress thus far, I think you can fix those crumbling parts with mesh replacements and an animation that shows an arm or something breaking.
    This way you get like a "smoother" transition.
    Keep up the good work! :)
  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Apparently I forgot to update this for the looongest time.

    The progress has been very slow with lots of other things to do but right now I am focusing on it for two weeks.

    Made some progress here and there.

    Made a small texture for the ground (which already does a lot imho)

    Started on the UI (the style is entirely temporary, I already have an idea of how im going to approach it.)

    You can press this bad boy (well YOU cant right now haha) to start the game. I will be trying to have a fun, clean and stylized UI in this style.

    There are two kinds of golems the boulder and fire kind. They both chase you, throw boulders at you (the flame ones should be throwing fireballs pretty soon)
    They can damage you as you see in the UI.

    Next up will be drops and 'loot'.

    The whole levels is pretty modular, very easy to put together for just about anybody (if this were an actual game, players making levels for each other would be such a marvelous thing.) I also surrounded the whole playing field with a unlit dark material which helps sell the underground/labyrinth feeling instead of having to think about a background.

    Last up is the player himself. You can now hold the button your projectile spell is keyed to, while pressing it, he will lift and keep the projectile above his head and give you a pointer to where you wanna throw it. You can still walk around, yet at a slowed pace of course. After releasing the button your projectile will fly towards the designated area and hopefully kill some enemies!

    Thats all for now. 

    As always any and all feedback is very welcome :)

  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Here are a couple of examples of how it looks and gameplay wise. You can also see the pick ups they leave behind and you being able to pick them up. Next up I would like to learn how to make a seperate screen that you can pop up by pressing a certain key and upgrade your golem.



  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Another quick update!

    Started working the second skill couple of hours ago and this is what I have for now. The bright green is just to make them clear for example purposes.

    The idea behind it is that you will stomp the ground, letting lose a straight line of earthy spikes.
    These spikes increase in damage the further they go. This length will be upgradeable later on.

    So for example the very first spike deals 10 damage but the fifth spike deals 30! 
    This way you will have to think about positioning. I will be putting a significant cooldown on it as well, since an enemy can be hit by MULTIPLE spikes of the same attack.


    Tell me what you think!

    EDIT : Here is the improved version:

  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Another day another update.

    Right now the enemy golems trap your movement when they hit you with a boulder (still deciding if I go for full on stun or just immovability.)
    The essences you collect will be able to be used for upgrades (I hope I can even get to that part), but also heal you for a fraction.

    Right now, most of the skills of both you and the enemies have been toned down in damage and in frequency (longer cooldowns.)
    Your full health is also a lower amount but on the trade off you can heal by killing enemies.

    This first gif entails the 'stun' mechanic.

    This second one the healing on collection.
  • milksnake96
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    milksnake96 polycounter lvl 4
    looks cool, maybe change the scale of the floor a little it seems a bit to big other than that, GJ.

  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Ah ok good point! Will give it a try by scaling the texture higher bit by bit.
    Or do you mean the actual mesh? (in essence making everything else smaller? so that the rooms are bigger etc?)
  • Blade113
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    Blade113 polycounter lvl 8
    nice job so far, wish u luck :)
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