Here's and update of the Nordic Warrior. Gonna be moving on to color rendering finally! Or maybe after some slight retouching
Its been quite a learning experience since this is my first proper character concept art and many of the details have been changed. One of them is that the image has been flipped because I decided that he should wield the axe, a heavier and more offensive weapon on the right hand and the sword that can parry better on the left hand (he's right handed).
The sword is now place on the front right corner of his waist instead of his back and his axe sheathes onto his right back side. The reason for this unorthodox weapon placement is because I wanted my character to have less common habits and fighting style.

Update: First Rendered version
At the moment I'm going for frictional material for his armour instead of using real life steel. The logic is that this character grew up in a cold environment where there are civilisations that utilizes ice magic and enchantments to reinforce their fighting style and crafting.
From this stage, I feel that I might want to tone down on magic and paint the armour to look more realistic or exaggerate the look with some icy textures.
Will be moving on to orthographic views soon.

update: Its been awhile since I posted anything new on this character, been putting some time into practicing game modelling and rigging. Hopefully this guy can be a game asset too.
Here's a new design for his weapon.