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Unreal 4 - Dungeon Crawler

polycounter lvl 4
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SamuelDV polycounter lvl 4

Hi guys! 

Starting this forum to showcase the progress on a dungeon crawler project in Unreal 4. This project is to learn node based scripting in Unreal 4. Here's a WIP Mock-up of what I have in my head. This will change very soon to a more finished mock-up, but I'm tight on time atm. 

Quick info: 

You (the player) have lost your swimmy pants, and have recieved intel that King Selassie of mount Zion has it in his possesion! You find your way into the Danjans (dungeons) of mt. Zion, to reach King Selassie, and trade your Respect/Vibes for your swimmy pants!

The whole vibe of the game is very chilled out / rasta. (that explains the names)

I'll be back soon!


  • SamuelDV
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    SamuelDV polycounter lvl 4

    this is a thing I'm woring on for the floor:

    also made a quick character blockout, and a basic walking animation:

  • SamuelDV
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    SamuelDV polycounter lvl 4
    Decided to make a clean version of my game production sheet/todo list:

    This is a small concept sheet for my m ain character:

  • GoossensJohan
    Looks nice :D What's the respect for though? Bit confused about that part in your mock-up. Love the story ^^
  • Shiverspine
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    Shiverspine polycounter lvl 2
    Haha I really like this idea, its like a chilled out version of every dungeon explorer ever. 
    With some nice art and gameplay, and then some atmosphere to fill it up I think this could be an amazingly fun game :)

    I would like to see some more pre production or just some faster block outs depicting all those assets and mechanics you are talking about. Its kinda hard to see a full picture right now.

    Digging the tiles and the light underneath, the colour feels very demonic tho!

    Gonna keep a watch on this, keep us up to date!
  • Infandum
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    Infandum polycounter lvl 2
    loving the style man am curious how the attacks will look, if there are attacks. or those he win by vibing the enemy into submision?
  • dDissAa
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    dDissAa polycounter lvl 3
    Although im a bit unsure how the gameplay will work, it looks like a cool concept. So how are these vibes and respect things going to work?
  • SamuelDV
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    SamuelDV polycounter lvl 4

    Looks nice :D What's the respect for though? Bit confused about that part in your mock-up. Love the story ^^
    I left out the respect part, for now I'm keeping it very simple: the big number on the mockup are the vibes, other objects are displayed above with a simple icon. I also left out the minimap, because of the chill-ness, I like to keep it very simple.

    Haha I really like this idea, its like a chilled out version of every dungeon explorer ever. 
    With some nice art and gameplay, and then some atmosphere to fill it up I think this could be an amazingly fun game :)

    I would like to see some more pre production or just some faster block outs depicting all those assets and mechanics you are talking about. Its kinda hard to see a full picture right now.

    Digging the tiles and the light underneath, the colour feels very demonic tho!

    Gonna keep a watch on this, keep us up to date!
    I'm back in preproduction and I'll post another update on that on friday, thanks for the kind words!

    Infandum said:
    loving the style man am curious how the attacks will look, if there are attacks. or those he win by vibing the enemy into submision?
    There won't be attacks in the game - #chill - , you will though try to distract or avoid your enemies by hiding or throwing torches to distract them.
    There will be more assests that create opportunity to hide in, more on that later this week + friday.

    dDissAa said:
    Although im a bit unsure how the gameplay will work, it looks like a cool concept. So how are these vibes and respect things going to work?
    I left respect out, good vibes only, thanks for the feedback! The vibes are basicly the main currency in the game, the end boss wants loads of them to trade for your swimmy pants, but you'll be able to buy items with them, but that though isn't really detailed yet :)

    Thanks for the feedback guys, the mockup I included is a simplyfied and cleaner version, I'm aiming to make this game chilled out and relaxed, and I think a UI that's easy on the eyes helps
  • SamuelDV
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    SamuelDV polycounter lvl 4
    Blueprint update:

    I implemented basic click to move movement. The player right clicks on the map, character moves towards that position.

    UI popup that shows an interaction when the player is close to an interactable object, and is looking at it.

  • Blade113
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    Blade113 polycounter lvl 8
    Fancy to see the progress, good luck!
  • SamuelDV
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    SamuelDV polycounter lvl 4
    Implemented a UI patrolling system that follows a path. The player can get seen by the AI when in vision. When the player hides in a box, the enemy loses the player and goes back to patrolling.

  • SamuelDV
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    SamuelDV polycounter lvl 4
    Update on the visuals:

    Movement update: (dot visualises where the player clicked, then fades away

    Updated pickups: Vibes + Torches

    PS: I have no idea why the torches fall through the ground, if any of you have an idea, I'll be happy to hear so!


  • SamuelDV
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    SamuelDV polycounter lvl 4
    Just fixed the issue with the torches not colliding, with some help of Milan.
    (images because the gif had some issues)

    Working on implementing the animations atm.
  • SamuelDV
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    SamuelDV polycounter lvl 4
    Hi guys!

    Back Again with a final update:



    Ingame shots:

    Level screenshots:

    Feedback very much appreciated :)

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