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Solved: Problems starting with dDo


I couldn't start texturing because when uploading my mesh (obj with triangles) and uploading the Material ID, no menu or links or anything is allowing me to assign any material to a specific colour, see attached image.
Mesh has been prepared in 3dMax with different ID groups and different colours, and Photoshop version is CS5. The mesh looks as it looks in the left side: no normal uploaded, no possibility to apply any material to it... :neutral: 
I'm also attaching the materialID textures to see whether there is any problem. Anyone can help, please?


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Links is a deprecated feature of Suite 1.X which may be returning in the future. All material assignment is done by creating a material in the dDo menu. You can alternately hold C and click on a color ID to assign a color to a group or layer that exists, or SHIFT+C+LMB to select and assign a new Smart Material to an ID. :smile: 
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