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StarBallet Dev Log

polycounter lvl 17
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uk_resistant polycounter lvl 17
Hi Folks,

Been a long time since I have been on these forums but wanted to get reacquainted with the community again and share some dev stuff.

Myself and @Tanuki_suit have been working on a top down, local multi-player competitive arcade game called Starballet.
It is something we prototyped in a few hours and have been working on it on and off for about a year.

We have been doubling down on dev recently and I thought it would be a good opportunity to share some images, what I have learned and that kind of thing.

Below are some animated GIFs of various things we have implemented. Haven't got much in the way of multiplayer shots because I have recorded these solo (but MP footage will come soon!)

Here is a image of a couple of people who played the game for about 45 mins non-stop in secret weapon, which is a gaming pub in Stratford. We hadn't really had much in the way of public playing yet but this seemed to go down well.

If you are ever in the area, ask to play it!

I plan to post here as much as I can but do follow me @Uk_resistant as i tend to post frequently and follow @tanuki_suit too.


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