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Solved: How do you link nDo for auto-preview in 3DO?

I'm trying to link the 3DO automatic preview to the normal map I have created from a seamless image. This seems to work fine if I create a new nDo project from scratch, then drag my seamless image in and create a normal from that. If I then launch 3DO the preview works as expected and updates when I make changes to the normal map, etc.

However, if I just open a seamless image I have created then click on the convert image to normals button with that layer selected, while the normal is created correctly, 3DO does not apply it in the preview. The only way I can see it in 3DO is to manually export the normal to a image file, then import it in to 3DO and set it as the normal channel.

Additionally, even when I create an nDo project from scratch and the normal map is previewing as expected, if I then create additional maps based on the normal map they are not applied to the 3DO preview either.

Is this a software limitation or am I missing something in setup?


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