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a student looking for interns need portfolio critiq

Hello everyone! I am a third year student of art program. And i'm looking for an intern this summer. I have my portfolio right now but I dont feel really confident and tginking about replacing some stuffs with better ones. I have no idea what kind of 3D modeler's portfolio will get me a intern.I truely hope someone from the industry can look at them and give me feedback! I'm like a headless fly right now! Please help me! Thank you very much!My blog is 
artofsirius.wordpress.com Im looking to work in animation/game field in NA


  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Well... first off, spell your own website correctly. wordpress, not worldpress. Even better, post a link next time.  https://artofsirius.wordpress.com/

    Anyhow, consider using Images instead of video... I don't see any animation on your folio yet. You could take multiple screenshots from different angles instead. or a GIF or a GFY is fine... Faster to load than a vid. Especially when the vid is 5seconds of turnaround, then blank empty black for 20 sec more.

    Also, might want to focus on.... something. 2D ? 3D ? Character ? Envo ? Prop ? And the quality is.... low. Find something online that inspires you, and imitate it in term of quality.

    If I may ask.... what do you learn, as a 3rd year, in Animation program ? I don't see any animation at all except the camera flyby of the Graveyard envo.
  • siriusliarts
            Hi, PYRZERN. Thank you very much for your feedback. Such a shame I did not spell it correctly :P And I will definitely try the methods you mentioned to present the models better. Honestly once I make my portfolio better I will include a demo reel video.
            About myself, I mainly focus on 3D modeling for animation and game. Unfortunately, I have less interests on animating. Actually my program is 2D heavy. For the past two years most of out courses are 2D related. And we only have one 3D class per semester. I have to learn a lot 3D stuffs on my own. Frankly speaking, I know my stuffs aren't quit there, and I am willing to do better. I just have no idea what the companies think is better. How would you suggest to include in a portfolio in my situation? Thank you again for your time :))))))) 
  • siriusliarts
    And another situation is we are responsible for making a group film this semester due on April. My duty is to model some props and do a 10 second scene. It kind of conflict with my plan of doing a portfolio that focuses on Character modeling. I am wondering how many models minimum should be included in a portfolio also...
  • kmacneil91
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    kmacneil91 polycounter lvl 7
    Hi there! Nice work so far. I'd suggest putting together a demo reel to display on your homepage, as recruiters don't want to click on individual projects most of the time when they are in a hurry. Also, the less you sound like a student, the better. For this reason under your title, I'd put your desired position (3D artist, character artist, etc.) and your contact information instead of "Taking 3rd year Animation program at Sheridan college". It's also a good idea to have your a page for your resume, plus a link on that page for a PDF version of it. Do you have a LinkedIn? Networking is key, so I'd add that too!

  • siriusliarts
    Hi there! Nice work so far. I'd suggest putting together a demo reel to display on your homepage, as recruiters don't want to click on individual projects most of the time when they are in a hurry. Also, the less you sound like a student, the better. For this reason under your title, I'd put your desired position (3D artist, character artist, etc.) and your contact information instead of "Taking 3rd year Animation program at Sheridan college". It's also a good idea to have your a page for your resume, plus a link on that page for a PDF version of it. Do you have a LinkedIn? Networking is key, so I'd add that too!

    Thank you kmacneil91 :)) You just gave me a valuable tip! I never thought about changing the title and adding a resume page on my website before :PPP I have a Linkedin but it's really confusing for me to use atam. I'm reworking my portfolio and website and I will take your advice for sure! Thank you again :)))
  • PyrZern
    Offline / Send Message
    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Have you done 2d animation ? Like... League of Legend login screen. (especially Vi or Jinx)
  • pigart
    Offline / Send Message
    pigart polycounter lvl 6
     I'd suggest putting together a demo reel to display on your homepage, as recruiters don't want to click on individual projects most of the time when they are in a hurry.
    Yes, they are in a hurry but that does not mean that they want to watch videos of slow 3d prop/character model turnarounds. My advide would be to fill your whole front page with big images of your best work. Demo reels are only for animations and even then I would probably rather fill the first page with gifs.
  • siriusliarts
    PyrZern said:
    Have you done 2d animation ? Like... League of Legend login screen. (especially Vi or Jinx)
    I haven't done that before. But I always want to learn about that! Do you think I should try to do one of that for my portfolio? 
  • siriusliarts

    pigart said:
     I'd suggest putting together a demo reel to display on your homepage, as recruiters don't want to click on individual projects most of the time when they are in a hurry.
    Yes, they are in a hurry but that does not mean that they want to watch videos of slow 3d prop/character model turnarounds. My advide would be to fill your whole front page with big images of your best work. Demo reels are only for animations and even then I would probably rather fill the first page with gifs.
    Thank you PIGART :))) I never thought about that before! Honestly I hate my layout right now and I'm going to take your valuable advice and make a better one :))) Can't wait to have a much more professional portfolio! 
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