Hey everybody, I'm kind of having trouble finding concept art creation tutorials. Currently, I'm not looking for digital concept tutorials, traditional pencil paper/colour type of stuff.
It's important that I can be able to draw concept and illustrate my ideas on paper because it will contribute to my 3D work. I'm striving to be a good 3D environment artist and so I really need to learn good techiniques (as many techniques as I can) for drawing concepts of props and aspects of environments.
If anybody can provide me with resources and learning material (e.g videos and courses) for learning concept art, that would be awesome. I haven't even touched concept yet, so I need to start from the very beggining. It would also be interesting to learn how some of you learned concept.
This website has a ton of free, short and informative tutorials about a large number of subjects within drawing such as traditional drawing, moving and using digital tools, theory and other such related material. It does have a small amount of paid tutorials in the store but the amount of free content easily outweighs the paid content.
I've done drawabox and found it useful for character propotion breakdown.
My recommendation is get Feng Zhu environment sketching DVDs from Gnomon, those are easy to follow, he also has a Design Cinema on youtube, haven't checked anything from there myself, but they are free. So if you don't want to spend money first, I'd recommend go there first.