Source >>> guns are h-o-t and I aint made one in a month or two so let's get it done
Dunno if I'll make all these parts or not but here's the breakdown,

Base blockout to define volumes and junctions

So let's contemplate the barrel first. All these parts will be source-textured at 2k. They'd likely be halved in a game

@Shini: Maybe to have later in the process less work to do
Do you have enough References?
I made a AK some time ago.
And if it helps:
mag_b is a Short AK Magazine from Tapco.
The only difference is that the concept artist is using details from the "big" brother magazine.
For the Handgrip A when you type in Google Pic Search "AK Saw Style" you will find a lot of references.
The HP renders are screengrabs from Max viewport, the rest are from Marmoset.
Maybe... I wouldn't rule it out
I second the gumroad tutorial! I'd love to see how you work through these. Or even if you just did a timelapse.
This is coming along nicely btw (Y)
Sure here's the other ones
Im looking forward to see the finished mesh
Decided to make a flashlight
im stunned when i saw your awesome detail you made, btw can i ask how did you do that? if you don't mind
btw, im practice with this concept of sniper modular too but still suck and i don't even know the name of this gun so i just called it Dragunov Tactical ahaha, nice to meet you and have a good day
But please no Speeded Up Tutorials, really dont like that
No, I only bake a single normal and single occlusion map generally. I use cuts in the LP sometimes to fix distortion in the cage.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Here's a scope.
Your high and lowpoly meshes look awesome. Nice job! I have pinned half of your screenshots to a pinterest board xD
I like to do each part in one session, which averages like 2 or 3 hours... it depends on complexity though, some take more or less time. The receiver took the longest, about two sessions. The grip took ~40 minutes. The laser module and silencer were maybe an hour each.
I always work between 8am and 6pm, every day, whether it's portfolio stuff or contract or studio work. I don't work at night much.
One question, What is it called when you put a piece on top of the receivers high poly so you don't have to model it into the receiver? Cheers fellas.
@ Ben: Following your work and I really like every singel piece from you : )