This seems like it should be doable... and it may be quite simple.
So I have a low poly mesh, with normal maps, diff & spec all made in the ol' school photoshop / image to normal map in xnormal kind of fashion. I want to take those mapped details, and project them onto a high poly version of the mesh, to use as a base for further sculpting. Is this do-able in zbrush? Or Modo?
Maya has a map transfer fuction and it's pretty good, I use it all the time to transfer maps when Uvs change for exemple.
I wouldnt use baked data for a new high poly , imo by the time you have every thing transfered you might as well have started fresh
Tho you can't convert a normal map to a displacement as they haven't any depth information. Never seen convincing results. But it you've generated the normal map from an heightmap, you could use it directly. For other maps, it shouldn't be an issue.
Use the zproject brush in zbrush with high and low as visible subtools, or use any baking software, substance, maya, max...