I have two rectangular shapes with corners, and I need to connect them with a mesh like this:
In this case I used the Terrain compound object, but I had to convert the mesh to Editable Mesh and delete the faces inside the green shape.
Is there a modifier or object type that can connect these shapes?
If you convert to an editable spline, attach them together so they're both in the same item layer and then use the cross-section tool (next to the attach button) to join them. You can then apply a Surface modifier and you'll get some "proxy" polygons there that you can then put an edit poly modifier on.
There's also a cross-section modifier but I've forgotten how to use it, I don't think it requires you to attach the splines which is nice.
Here's a small clip demonstrating it.
I hope this is what you want, if they're polygons then you just want to use the edit-poly attach tool and then bridge them, or alternatively Cap tool and then connect the verts.
You could also just use 'display the spline in the viewport' option on one of the shapes and change it to rectangular for the same result.
Thanks Musashidan, but I need a method that doesn't involve manual editing, this will be used in a script I'm developing.
Another method I found is using the Loft compound object, but it requires a tiny polyline.
Thank you Musashidan!