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ZBRUSH - How do I cut hair off produced by fibermesh?

polycounter lvl 2
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sr3d polycounter lvl 2
I've watched two tutorials that don't mention anything about trimming/cutting fibermesh hair.

I've tried creating a mask then hitting delete and it does not work.

I watched this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEXJMSPikko - Which clearly did not cover the basics, since I can't even trim and cut the hair.

I've googled trim, cut, delete, fibermesh, zbrush, remove, erase and I cannot find a simple way to just delete parts of the fibermesh



  • sr3d
    Offline / Send Message
    sr3d polycounter lvl 2
    I finally found it, took 30 minutes.

    Trim curve brush - You had to hold ctrl shift then choose brushes.   Zbrush hotkey HELL.

    Hopefully when someone googles the right keywords they will find this polycount page and this tutorial and shave the time from 30-45 minutes to 1 minute.
  • sr3d
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    sr3d polycounter lvl 2
    This technique did not work. If you trim cut the fibermesh and then try to groom, it messes up.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Trim curve brush is essentially doing 3 ZB operations automatically in 1: creating a polygroup where you slice(same as the slice curve brush), hiding&deleting that polygroup, close holes.(to cap the mesh open border) A huge amount of calculations are involved in that split second it does its thing, so often when asked to complete a very complex operation on something like a clump of fibremesh it might fail.

    Use the Clip curve brush to trim the fibremesh. Or you can use the smooth brush to control(shorten) the hairs.

    Also, the use of ctrl+shift+alt in various combos in ZB is vital to all the workflows of the program, so get practicing! :smile: 
  • Tyler Durden
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    Tyler Durden polycounter lvl 4
    Yea, maybe it's happening that Fibermesh converted to Polymesh3D and gaining other properties. Try the masking menu to get cut effect. Mask not needed area > inverse mask > hide unmasked > delete hidden.

    Good luck!
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