Hey there, is anyone else tearing their hair out with the target weld tool in Maya 2016?
So, I want the texture to follow the vertices when I move them (not in the UV window) Currently I am merging some vertices (with the new target weld tool) in the perspective window and the texture does not deform with the change of the vertex position. I want to be able to disable preserving UV's like the move tool can. Basically I need it to work like the old 2015 merge vertex tool did.
I got a response from Autodesk tech support as below...
I was able to do some of my own research while I wait for a response from the Maya Development Team. Here is what I came up with. There is definitely a difference in the code from 2016 Target Weld to Maya 2015 Merge Vertex Tool:
Target Weld:
move -ws -a 0.559017002582550 0.309016972780228 0.769420981407166 -puv pSphere1.vtx[235] pSphere1.vtx[236] ; polyMergeVertex -d 0.000001 pSphere1.vtx[235] pSphere1.vtx[236] ; select -cl;
Merge Vertex Tool:
polyMergeVertex -ch on pSphere1.vtx[256:257] ;
What is causing it is the –puv flag, if you remove that then it works as expected. Haven’t had time to dig deeper into it, but you may be able to find the script that sets the options for that tool and edit it so that –puv is not an enabled option.
Best of luck, and let me know if you have any success. I will also keep you informed on any news from the Maya Development Team. Thank you.
So basically we looked at removing the -puv flag from the Target Weld tool, but you can't due to the fact that you can't access the plugin code as it is black boxed.
I hope this makes sense as I am not a tech minded coder, just a humble artist.
Anyone run into this problem? I've had go back and use 2015 again since this tool is fairly vital to me.
Thanks for reading.