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Unity 3D city scene

polycounter lvl 3
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terrytanke polycounter lvl 3
After 2 years of working in the sales industry I started a new chapter of my life.
Went back to school and picked up 3D modeling and drawing again.
Working on a small city scene for a school project.
All feedback is really helpful really want to improve!!


  • EliasWick
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    EliasWick polycounter lvl 9
    Hey man! It looks great! ^^
    It is hard to give feedback on something that is hard to categorize. For example, your buildings are very low-poly, but I think that is the style you are going for. Depending on the game type / project type; are they going to be viewd from top, first person or third person?
    You could add some other variants of the windows if that is possible.
    Are these models going to be in a game or are you just going to render them out?
    When you have a chance to, post some more images of your project! :smile: 
  • terrytanke
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    terrytanke polycounter lvl 3
    @EliasWick Thank you it is for a first person project, I will try to add more variation in the windows.
    currently using a 1024x1024 texture for diffuse normal and specular
    Also going to try to give one building an abandoned hospital interior.
    Will keep you posted :)
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