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Answered: 3do Input Maps/Filtering

polycounter lvl 11
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Lt_Commander polycounter lvl 11
I really grew attached to the Quixel Suite when I was doing high poly/bake to low poly work, but I had to all but stop using it since I switched artstyles. When the new version came out recently, I tried to see if I could give it another try to adapt to my workflow, but it's missing a few things to make that feasible.

Right now, I'm working with a full PBR metalness (Unity) pipeline, but our textures are usually around 128x128 unfiltered, including normal and height maps. I have no allusions of getting dDo to cooperate at this resolution, but live previewing (and maybe pencil tool painting???) in 3do would rock, if I had the option to remove texture filtering.

For reference, this is a sample model using our pipeline:

It would also be nice to import relevant maps by channel in 3do, in case we're trying to preview channel packed textures.

I know it's kind of a niche request, but I think it might enable some unique art pipelines! Thanks!


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