I am working on this sword. Referenced here you can see the poly count and stuff. The second image where you see the handle, is where I want to get a cloth like texture made, or model in, some method of cloth but I am trying to keep it fairly low poly. I found another method online using Torus's but that ended up driving up to 1.8 million poly's roughly. So I avoided that method.
My question is what method would be best to achieve a high poly look while maintaining a low poly appearance? I have Quixel, and Mudbox (though I am inexperienced using both) and so those are routes I could go. Just looking for some general tips / advice. Thanks in advance!
So if I do this right I need to have 2 identical swords, 1 very base roughed out and the other as I have it. I then do what he did and in theory that should be it?