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BB8 - Student (Advice would be awesome)

polycounter lvl 4
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DanMcCabe polycounter lvl 4
Hi I recently completed a BB8 from star wars in 3ds max and photoshop. I would love some advice so i can apply it to future projects or edit this one! If you want the marmoset viewer or more angles head over to my artstation - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/k2y8AThanks in advance everyone :)


  • Blitzwood
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    Blitzwood polycounter lvl 9
    Looks pretty good work to me. I would change a bit the head material to look something more metallic and make the decals bigger so that they match better the movie bb8. You can paint the circles of the body too like in the picture below.
    As for the dirt is up to you if you want to add it or not.

  • DanMcCabe
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    DanMcCabe polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks, Ill have a look into getting the head looking a little less matte first and go from there :)
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    Looks pretty good! I'd personally bake out an AO map and a cavity map, and use those to add some subtle dirt on it to fill up some of the crevices like in the photo (the little circle areas that look like screws as an example would be filled like in the photo versus being just in the normal map.)

    Depending on your workflow, I'd probably also add in some subtle details to enhance the realism in the roughness map (gloss for you?), that way you can still have it look relatively new/clean if you want, but subtle imperfections such as scratches, light dust, condensation, etc will shine in the light at certain angles. If you want to know what I mean, look at a furnished clean desk or a polymer/metal staight on, then look at it from a sharp angle perpendicular to the light. You'll pick up on a lot of details not 100% visible normally depending on how it's lit.

    I'd also do another pass on the very thin lines on the droids face. Right now it looks like either a baking error or not enough resolution with the amount of jaggedness to it up close. Nailing that should help, since it's on the face and the eye will be naturally drawn to it a lot more. The placement of the orange strips on the face also seem to be slightly off in comparison to the ref provided. Since BB8 itself is composed of relatively simple large shapes, it's a little bit more important to really nail all of the decal work to sell the piece.

    Hope that helps! Keep it up :)
  • DanMcCabe
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    DanMcCabe polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks alot, never done a cavity map before so ill check that out :D. Ill make some more observations on BB8 refrences and sort those decals out, especially on the face. Thanks again, awesome to have so much advice on my first post :)
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