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Character Design: Odil

polycounter lvl 18
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Magnus N polycounter lvl 18

Hi guys!

My name is Magnus, I’m from Denmark and haven’t been doing any 3D or texturing for like 10 years or so..

Back in the day I used to hang out here under the nickname "(B-HOLM)", and what kinda happened for me was that I took a graphics education which had more to do with marketing material and such, so I guess I kind og neglected my fascination of modelling (shame on me!).

I attended the Global Game Jam recently here in Copenhagen, where I met a lot of new cool people which got my ol’ spark triggered again - yay! I’ve spent the last 2 weeks trying to get into modelling and texturing - this time  it seems I’m actually finishing stuff! :)

The concept of the character:

Odil is a creepy fellow, inspired by the disturbing drug “Krokodil” (hence the name). I’ve drawn inspiration from crocodiles too, to underlines this reference.

I also made a sketchfab, so you can fly around him!


With this project I’m currently using Blender, Photoshop and illustrator. He’s currently 2272 polys (3648 tris) and has 4-5 textures (overkill, I know - but for this project I just wanted to get this far and it’s not gonna happen again, I promise! :) )

Hope you like it - I’ll post some wireframe shots and textures soon.

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