Hey everyone,
I'm working on a small environment inspired by these concepts by
Abel Oroz and
James Castillo (I don't know who the dog concept is from unfortunately).
It started out as an unlit handpainted project, but I ended up putting it in marmoset to practice lighting. Since both characters are fully rigged, the dream is now to put in Unreal 4, but that transition isn't going as smoothly as planned as UE4 is a bit too much for my current pc. So for now, I'll have to settle with marmoset 2.
Some sculpts and unlit maya screengrabs:
there's still a million things I wanna clean up on the textures, but I decided to start putting things in marmoset first, so here's what I got so far:
There's still quite a bit to do, but it's getting close to what I wanted to achieve. If you guys have any feedback , I'd love to hear it. Thanks!
You've got a lot of light painted/baked into the character textures that is fighting the scene lighting. Particularly the shadowing you've got above the boys eyes is ruining the effect of the glowing book.
realy like this piece. I did a real quick overpaint for how I'd handle the compo
Currently the environment is to contratsy it draws alot of attention away from the characters. Check out games how the value ranges in environments are fairly limited. Usually Game releveant effects and ui are reserved for highest contrats levels.
therfore I would tone down the env in contrats and noise.
The characters themselves tell a story so i would do more to dramatize that. Get them close together let the dog look at the book to give it more weight and let the boy react stronger to the glow.
right now all elements are evenly distributed. Usually when you check movies and stuff, youll realize that things cluster in varied sized groups and rythms so the eye jumps from one spot to another. with hue values and shapes you can sort out the prioritoes where to look at first. If done correctly your eye will wander constantly betwen points and have moments of strong tension and low tention.
Avoid black shadows in stylized work, use hueshifts as a possible support
Little side thing the dogs toungue tangents the papers edge which makes it harder to read
Foreground stuff always works wonders. use it to frame or direct to relevant information
looking at my OP now I think I'd move the boy even further to the left =D
Well my 2 cents maybe it helps ^^
Awesome paintover and the feedback; really good stuff. I really like the foreground and contrast ideas; gonna play around with those, Thanks!