here's my final entry.
"Fading Memory"
Full frame beauty: up: sheet:
"It's been almost half a year since you tore yourself from my heart.
Enough time to finally start to forget you. Still sometimes small innocent moments occasionally come to the surface of my memory. The way you got shy or jokingly angry, the way we were fooling around.
These are the only pleasant memories that I have left of you and they are slowly smoldering and fading into some deformed image.
Too many mistakes were made, time cannot be turned backwards. Guess this story has an unhappy ending.
Good bye."
Soon will be the time to choose.
Keep up the good work!
Low-poly 80k tris, 4x4k textures, UE4
There are some minor pieces left to add before moving to the next stage.
First I felt bad about it, but now I think it's a sign for me to learn substance painter and see if I can improve my textures.
However, here's what I have at the moment.
Spent some time today playing with substance painter. Turned out to be a pretty easy software, not for hardware though.
only managed to do the pedestal and the cloth stuff for today, had to reassemble them from a scratch and kind of liked the result.
Body is next.
gonna prepare the finals.