Hi Guys,
I'm really confused on why Donald Trump is so popular in the US. He seems the definition of Hitler. If you replace the word Muslim and Mexicans with Jewish people it would be the exact same thing.
It just really frustrating especially when people get say an art degree just so they can move to the US, but he wants to just blanket ban all Muslims from entering the US.
How can he claim all Mexicans are rapist and criminals and his poll numbers go up. He probably going to win the Republican nomination and that means its 50/50 if he would become president.
Its insanity.
Trump does well in social media and in random person polling, yet he doesn't do so well at the ballot box. At least for the time being, we thankfully don't elect people on Twitter.
Sadly, even the Republican alternatives are completely insane. Most of them want to run this country purely from their religious beliefs, and assume that's what the rest of the country wants. I don't like to align with either party, but the Republican party has gone to extremely right... the only candidate that I considered a valid option, was Chris Christie, and he has already dropped out
If you read my struggle you won't find anything about putting Jewish people into gas chambers.
Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from even entering the country when that would be against the law. He wants to bomb the women and children of Muslims in Iraq. He wants to bring back worse forms of torture than waterboarding. He even said Muslims celebrated 9/11 in new york that is like saying German Jewish people celebrated the defeat of Germany in WW1, which was a big lie.
That said, I don't believe any of it. I think he's saying what he says JUST to get the nomination. I think he'll start appealing to the moderates if he gets the nomination. I feel like some of the other republican candidates are a bit more...authentic...in their zealotry, and they worry me just as much.
If he wins or loses, it plays right into his brand. The guy you watch because you hate him so much.
He makes his money from name recognition and public spectacle. He has TV shows, appears on pro wrestling, sells steaks, loses money on real estate deals, etc. He just took his gimmick to the next level.
This is what it's all about.
pangaea said: This is not how probability works.
Future president right derrrr
He's running a front runner campaign for President of the United states and doing it on mostly free media coverage.
I used to doubt him, I thought it was a joke that wouldn't last, but watching him win, and do it with coverage donated by a media that hates him, well it makes me wonder if he isn't actually capable of doing the things he says he wants to do AND make other people pay for it.
There is an article written by a Bernie Supporter actually chastising the left for spreading that lie.
The bigger problem we have is that there is literally an extreme amount of divisiveness going on, lies and confirmation bias have become normal. You cannot really preserve a culture by importing a different one, nor can infrastructure handle any kind of mass migration. It would be great to be able to talk about real solutions and real problems without being labeled as racist, -phobic, or risk losing ones job because some activist want to punish those who are guilty of "thought crime".
Trump's support (and to some extent, Sander's as well) is resonating because too many people have to keep their thoughts and feelings hidden, that pent up frustration aimed at both parties (and the media) is finally being directed somewhere.
There is no Greater Issue in the United States at this time that Money in Elections. Until the money of big donors and special interests and corporations are purged from the US electoral system, none of the issues that truly matter will ever be resolved. That is because, aside from truly superficial issues that don't effect wealth and business, in the current situation, the legislature and policy will always side with that's best for the minority that make up the monied interests, not what's best for the majority of the people.
Trump and Sanders support comes strongly because they are not that establishment, though, Trump doesn't need the Donor Class, because he IS the Donor Class.
It's also great to see how poorly the establishment big money candidate is doing
The main issue is that a lot of people feel so left out and are so defiant of "the establishment" that they take this bulshit as "true talk" and any rational discussion about the real issues is considered "politically correct" and irrelevant.
I mean a lot of Trump's supporters would rather beleive Trump's blatant lies than any news or scientific source, even once you presented them the facts. Facts do not matter to most of these people, I feel they are driven only by the fear of everything and anything. I find it very scary that such a large portion of the population think this way.
I do admit that the scariest thing about Trump is the fact that he's stopping people from talking about how dangerous Ted Cruz is.
So... I have been following this primary very closely and tried to do some proper vetting/research before coming to a conclusion on some of the candidates, especially Trump. I have found out that Trump has actually been very consistent on the subjects he is known for... which you can see on youtube if you search "Trump 1988". Since 1980, both those on the left and the right (american politics) have been trying to get him to run for president. The significance of him running now, is actually over 25 years in the making. So there is more to the story of Trump than most people probably realize. He has been a registered republican for just over 17 years, an independent for about 9 and a democrat for less than 4. In one interview he said that living and doing business in Manhattan affected his political alignment, but that he tried to get along with everyone as a result.
I could actually find very little in the way of "lies" with him, rather, if anything he exaggerates what he says. To some this might seem like pointless bravado and ego, but to my surprise it is actually something he does intentionally as laid out in his 1987 book, "the art of the deal". In it he refers to it as a rhetorical tool, a "truthful hyperbole" and an "innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion." Now I was also skeptical of its effectiveness at first, but seeing how everything he says becomes a media magnet, a kind of self promotion which results in free advertising... and one which literally sucks all the media attention away from everyone else... I have to say, it works. It starts to look like he plays both the left and right wing media like a fiddle. He uses controversy as a tool.
Here's a few quotes from it:
His methodology is actually very well documented, by himself...and this is back in 1987. He is a living, breathing, example of the effective strategy found in his book. When you realize what you are seeing in his words, his actions, you stop seeing a "bumbling idiot" and you start to see a fascinating, and perhaps brilliant "master persuader". You don't even have to like him to appreciate what you are seeing take place, the mastery of his own technique... and its effectiveness.
Dilbert Comic book creator, Scott Adam's has been documenting this from the moment he ran as a candidate. He has an entire "master persuader" series in which he lays out both the 2D and 3D elements of what people see in Trump. Rather, the 2D is what it might look like to the untrained eye, but the 3D is more part of the larger strategy, intentionally executed with a goal in mind.
Here is one quote from Scott:
You can read the rest here (as well as the entire series of continued blog posts...
There is also a reason he is not going into the specifics or numbers as you would expect a politician to do. First, you rarely see it at this point in the electoral process (they tend to save that talk for the general election, not the primary). The second reason is... well as you mentioned its scientific, behavioral science. People do not follow numbers and plans easily, the masses are drawn to something more visual, more consistent (repetition). Few if any will have a positive emotional response to laying out the exact number of debt we have and how much taxes or lack there of can reduce it. Instead, talking broadly, convincing people you are competent, talking about solutions they can imagine (such as a wall), react far more strongly. What he is doing is very disciplined by its very nature, while it may not look like he has nothing factual to say... he is staying true to the technique. He is in fact reaching the widest audience by design, and even C-Span has programming where democrats and independents are calling in to switch parties.
Now the question is, will he get more specific during the general when he can only compete against one other person? Or will he keep using the same strategy which has gotten him this far? Either way it will be intentional.
Again I have to stress, you dont have to like him to be fascinated by what he is doing, the mastery at which it is executed. I get that without knowing what he is doing, it will look stupid, but it is objectively far from that. Love him or hate him, he is forcing american politics to evolve (and many of us hope, it means evolving outside of the usual status quo we have grown to hate).
(on a side note, there is one video worth looking at...its a bit borish but very specific... and that is this one...only interesting if you are researching more about who he is and whats been said about him.)
All that said, I think the globe is going through an upheaval of sorts, I am afraid we are heading towards another world war. Knock on wood that it doesnt happen, at least within our lifetime.
So he plays dumb on purpose you think?
could be worse , imagine if Glenn Beck was president:/
The fact that he is a very wealthy person makes him even scarier. Most people running for president need the support of external companies for campaign funding which dictates what the candidate will do etc but this guy doesn't need that support, so he isn't attached in anyway to any agenda other than his own.
Anyway, out of the current people running I only view Sanders as a good option, time will tell!
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