I want to save all my zbrush work to a project file, then load the project file later and resume right where I left off.
Can Zbrush do this?
Typically in most programs you would do:
File--> Save As--> ProjectName
Then to load your project you would do:
File--> Load --> ProjectName
How do I do this in Zbrush?
File - Save As ... or "Ctrl+S"
To open a project:
File - Open ... or "Ctrl+O"
When I load my project, it doesn't save the previous document size I had set.
When I set the new document size to 4096x4096 and hit crop layer. It leaves behind remnant of the same tool on the canvas. When I draw my tool again, the old one sits in the top left corner. Do I have to erase it or something?
In other words, if I draw multiple tools, then hit Edit, how do I erase or get rid of the previous tools that are on the document?
Oh god, when I hit CTRL S to save my project, is there anyway to make it save the document size too?
Also, when learning ZB it's important to bear in mind that it isn't a true 3D environment based in a 3D worldspace, it's a 2.5D document/canvas based environment. So don't just expect it to function like Max/Maya/etc......because it doesn't.