Hello! (Wieh, my first post here, nervouusss) My name is Lily and I'm working on a new universe named Luminé. Luminé will be used for two things;
1 - I'm using Luminé to learn more about concept art, story creating and story telling.
2 - I'll turn Luminé in a web comic one day. The first try will be an one page only web comic. If people like that, I'll make more and a complete story. After that's finished I'll be looking into making a pixel RPG. Not like the typical tiny sprites pixel RPG though, we have enough of those already.
So to share everything I have so far, this is the current Lore line. It's not going into great details, these will be sorted out.
http://sta.sh/012560r1ypnoEvery universe has species/races and mine is the same! I'm working on finishing the humanoid-like characters, before I move onto the species/races that roam the planet. The shading has done quickly by the way, so don't expect anything fancy there!
Let's start with the Dwarfs. They are quite the regular Lord of the Rings Dwarfs that you see around, they stand around 1.40m (The male Dwarf would be around the 1.50m, the female Dwarf 1.35m.) Still looking into the height though, 1.50m feels quite big.

The Succubus, I don't think she needs any saying. To step away from the Succubus you see everywhere, I gave the wings a higher placement than regular wings and a body tattoo. The idea behind the tattoo is that every Succubus familymember shares the same tattoo, born with it. So each new bloodline or familyline will have a different type of tattoo. (Still need to find a way for them to reproduce, as there'll be no Incubus). The succubus stands 1.75m tall in general.

Ah, the Elves! They are a combination of Lord of the Rings, Harry potter and World of Warcraft elves. The gracefulness from Lord of the rings, the ears from Harry potter (The house Elves) and the eyebrows from World of Warcraft (with a twist, that is. WoW eyebrows are growing upwards, into the sky, where these eyebrows are just literally longer. Gravity affects them). They stand 1.90m tall in general (The male Elf is 1.95m, the female Elf is 1.85m)

And now, the art for the characters! These are just the concept files, lacking juicy details like the back, close-up on the face and so on. These will be made when I create the official character art.
These are Klaira and Xsanithan, after the war. These two were my first characters for the universe and therefor the layout is differently from anything else. Klaira still needs a halo and a detailed sketch for the armor. However, the overal designs for the two of them are finished.

Sophie Rosenblade, the queen of the Guardian ruled country. Now to be honest, the dress isn't designed by me. The amazing
Rami Kadi created it and he/she deserves all the credits for the dress design, I only changed it a bit. I saw it and directly knew that the queen HAD to wear that dress. While it isn't creative of me (and if Rami Kadi contacts me one day to change it then I'll fix it), I do not regret it. It looks stunning.

Albert Rosenblade, the king. I think that everyone can see that I used the real life kings as design reference. I decided to make him a king that wouldn't wear armor, or anything fancy, so my choice went for the real life king design.

This is the general crew outfit for anyone in the Imperial Ruby (one of the ships) or the Imperial Order. I didn't go into full detail, as every character with that outfit can change it a bit. Like having a skirt instead of pants, an open jacket instead of closed etc.

Arrine is my personal character, based loosely around me. This is in fact her second design, the first design had a red coat that matched Ishi'ya's. However I scrapped that idea. As a little lookback to the first design, I kept a part of the red coat and turned it into the scarf around her middle, might give me a few personal plotelines for her. Anyway, Arrine is the Captain's first mate on the Imperial Ruby.

Ishi'ya Lightsbane. Captain of the Imperial Ruby and son of Sophie Rosenblade and one of her previous kings. I went for a casual yet classy look, and figured that a white suit with a striped red top would be the best.

This is the third character that I've created for Luminé. Well, to be honest, she wasn't made FOR Luminé, but I wanted her to be in it after I designed her hehe. This was also the time I was the least creative (besides the queen's dress derp), and used
Guild wars 2's arm pieces and gave them my own twist. I might change that one day. Anyway her name is Crilana Goldspeaker, captain of The Sunken Sea. A necromancer. She'll get a proper concept sheet later.

I would love to hear what you think about it so far!
This is the language Cécilion. It's an old and rather rare language, practiced by the followers of Gaia. Because of how complicated this language is (the amount of strokes etc), only a few can practice this.
And this is the world map of Luminé. My first world map, so nothing too fancy or good. But it's nice to have it drawn, so I finally know what I'm working with haha.
These are great. Love the details you've worked into each character, you've really thought about things and it shows.
I think one thing that would really help your character concepting skills improve would be to study proportions more. I'm remembering a recent project from another member, where they tackled facial proportions in a good methodical way. I would highly suggest this kind of study as a way to improve your drawing skills, along with examining an anatomy reference book.
First; the alphabeth for Rokimór (rok-i-mór/Rrrok-ie-moorr). It's a dwarven language. I figured that the dwarfs are into the details as master blacksmiths, yet not the smartest to actually learn too much. So there are no extra symbols, just plainly this. I did enjoy finding a mix between keeping it "simple" yet with details. One of the main things that I wanted to have movement in the letters.
This was a quick forest I made for another drawing. Then I decided to call it concept art for Luminé, added more life and done. Might one day add species, but it's just a very simple basic forest haha
Here we go! Thera, the Goddess of balance who controls Luminé. Originally her name was Gaia, but then I decided to go for the more Norse Gods and dropped the name Gaia. She still has the same role though.
Her clothing is based on balance as well; The leather corset is symmetrical, the light dress with a dark(er) corset. The flowers that show chaos yet calmth and the two opposite colors in the flowers. It's nothing too meaningful, just a few tiny hints to point towards the balance!
So first, the desert mountains, located in the Sun spire and follows the river that heads towards the desert city named Pasian. (Due to the .JPG being annoying, the contrast between the sand and water is less visible)
Secondly, the underwater castle with a name, located in the Sea of Nemora. Populated by Sirens.
The last one shows a basic shaman camp in the swamp, located in the Skeiv Shyae.
First, your desert city, Pasian
I agreed what u wrote before, the river and the sand still unclear, i guessed you need making more clear. Adding some photographs as a texture it would make your image better. Many artists, did the same.
I also suggested you to make the city more visible, maybe we can see a little about the city buildings, statues, or something like that, but remember your city is far from the desert, so dont make it too clear. Adding dust or fog, it will help u for describing the sense of depth. Some artist usually add a person as a separator, so we can compare how height your hill with human. The last thing, make your foreground more dark, and the background more light.
Second, The underwater castle, which located in the Sea of Nemora
I like your angle, i guess the angle is better than the first one. Is it a underwater castle? I confuse when try to figure out where is the front door or front gate, or are you plan to make the backside of the castle?? If u dont mind, make it more clear, and make the front gate or the front door become your point of interest, or at least it help you to define your point of interest. Referencing the real castle is very recommended, try to not copy directly, but blend it with your own imagination. The last think, maybe the same with your first one, you need polishing the depth. Perhaps if you add something like underwater hill, giant coral, or sinking pirates ships in background, it will make better.
Last, The swamp..
i guess it is the best from the last two, although there are many miss thing that u must repair. Your point of interest is confusing. Do you plan make it at the camp site, near the fire? or in the character in far side? Make it clear. I think, if you want to focus in the shaman camp, make it your camp as your point of interest
Yeah that all my opinion, and sorry for my bad english.
For the desert, the city is so far away that it's not shown.
I don't have any city structures and want to keep it that way, it's truely only based around the nature. I already used pictures as textures, but the .jpg threw it all away, however, I'll take a look at the .png file and see if the issue is also there.
It is indeed an underwater castle, with a door and everything. But it seems like it isn't dragging too much attention, which I'll have to change. I however disagree with adding more things around the floor. The Sirens destroyed the area, while building the castle. Any shipwrecks would also directly be used in the castle, therefor expending the castle more and more overtime. I can throw a bit more texture on the ground, but that's it. It's meant to look so clean and empty.
For the swamp, it's focussed on the camp, so I'll make the figure less visible! Perhaps "When you see it, you'll shit bricks" type of less visible.
I am going to wait your next progress. Good luck
Excuse me for this file being so big, I even made it into a JPG to make it less big, but it seems like I can't make it less big without destroying needed details. However, if this is still too slow, please PM me and I'll remove it!
Anyway, some promotion art done, Klaira versus Xsanithan.