We a small team of developers based out of UAE and we have a few openings in our studio. Selected candidates must be willing to relocate. This is a full time job and the studio will pay for any accommodation expenses.
Below are the openings and eligibility for each criteria -
1. Gameplay Programmer
Ideal candidate will have a mix of following qualifications
- Experience in developing games professionally
- A keen analytical mind with strong problem solving skills
- Experience working on AI development
- Strong C++ skills and ability to code and architect gameplay mechanics and tools
- Strong math skills
- Familiarity with Unreal Engine 3 / 4
2. Lead Programmer
Ideal candidate will have a mix of following qualifications
- Strong C++ skills and ability to code and architect carious core engine systems
- Experience working on AI development
- Experience optimizing game engines for various platforms
- Strong problem solving skills
- Experience with multiple core system tasks such as graphics, tools, memory
handling, animation, etc.
- 3+ years professional programming experience
- Enjoy working on a small team where you’ll be responsible for multiple
- Familiarity with Unreal Engine 3 / 4
3. Animator
Ideal candidate with have a mix of following qualifications
- Animation reel showing keyframed character and creature animations
- Strong experience with Maya and gameplay systems
- Good instincts for realistic and stylized motions
- Strong team work and communication skills
- Rigging knowledge is a plus
- Familiarity with mocap data
- Familiarity with Unreal Engine 3 / 4
If you are interested or know anyone who is or have any other query , feel free to mail us at m2mstudios.dc@gmail.com .