I have been out of the engine loop for too long. I'm working on designing a house that I want to explore from the inside and get a good idea for how it will look both inside and out during the various lighting changes from day to night.
I would like an engine that ideally can:
- Built in day/night cycles that affect lighting and shadows
- As realistic lighting as possible, I don't want to set up a lot of fancy shaders or light bakes.
- Have easy support for Occulus Rift. (all I have available to borrow)
- 3ds max exporter
- decent glass shader (optional)
VR support is a must though. I'll check out what level of support the CryEngine has for VR, thanks.
*stealth edit* seems it has full Occulus support: http://docs.cryengine.com/display/SDKDOC4/VR+-+Oculus+Rift
Seems I found my first choice. :-)