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Blender to xNormal - normal map

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Kilroy null

Hi everyone,

I m trying to create normal map using Blender and xNormal, but I have issue with it. Below are effects of doing this using custom cage, and cage created in xNormal (result is that same):

I have hard edges / edge split at every uv seam. Mesh shading is set to smooth. Custom cage and cage created in xNormal cover whole HP model. xNormal also shows information about scale, but scaling model also does not has any influence on result. I don't know what is the problem, because I used xNormal with other 3d software and everything works fine. I m wondering if it can be edge split modifier problem, because it detach polygons, where other softwares just double the vertices but whole mesh stay connected. Does anybody have any idea or knowledge how to make normal maps using Blender and xNormal properly?

Thanks in advance,


  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    Don't use the edge split modifier for anything but actually splitting edges. Go to the vertex properties (aka "Data" tab or the one with the triangle icon on it) tab in the Properties editor and check Auto Smooth and set the angle to 180 degrees. This will have the same effect on your normals without actually splitting the edges.

    Also, try rendering with Blender Render or Cycles Render instead of the viewport. Sometimes the viewport might have some slight problems displaying a normal map that won't show up in a more robust renderer.
  • Kilroy
    Offline / Send Message
    Kilroy null

    Thank you for the reply. I tried your advice, but I still get the same result. I also rendered it in another engine as you suggested, to make sure, that it is not Blender viewport issue. Maybe the issue is something else, but I don't have idea what.


  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    I never created a cage in xNormal so far, but the result looks like the edges are split on the cage as well. 
    Might be related to your export settings. In case you use fbx try "face" smoothing information and "tangent space" checked.
    Other than that I can only advice to create the cage in Blender as well, which works completely fine.
    Any specific reason why you create it in xNormal?
  • MmAaXx
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    MmAaXx polycounter lvl 10
    try to make the cage inside blender, using displacement modifier and try this setting

  • MmAaXx
    Offline / Send Message
    MmAaXx polycounter lvl 10
    try to use this setting ;)

  • Kilroy
    Offline / Send Message
    Kilroy null

    Thanks for the replies.

    Prime8 said:
    Other than that I can only advice to create the cage in Blender as well, which works completely fine.
    Any specific reason why you create it in xNormal?

    The two pictures from first post shows results using cage made in Blender and cage made in xNormal. Reason I tried to create cage in xNormal is that cage made in Blender give result as in the picture, so i thought that maybe xNormal cage will works better but result is the same. I also tried do everything as JedTheKrampus suggested (use the vertex properties instead of the edge split modifier) but it aslo give the same result.

    MmAaXx said: try to use this setting ;)

    Thank you so much but it still has the same result.

    It would be great if someone can show the process of doing it properly (just on simple cube). I mean using vertex properties or edge split, how to export it to xNormal with correct settings, how to set up xNormal settings, etc. It would be good to compare the process and maybe find the issue.


  • MmAaXx
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    MmAaXx polycounter lvl 10
    Hi I made a sample scene for you :)
    Uses the same export settings I posted here before, here is the link

    here is a fast comparison.
    Hope this help!

  • Kilroy
    Offline / Send Message
    Kilroy null

    Thank you so much for the scene and for your time to make it. It is great, I will analyze it and I think I will find issue. I also will know how to do it properly. Thanks one more time.


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