Hi, I'm really new to rigging, and thought It was about time to give it a bash but I'm having so many issues with it at the moment. My main problem is little fiddly bits attached to my character like overall straps. What's the best way to approach these things? I've tried weighting it heavily to the arm and lightly, and no matter what I get horrible stretching, clipping etc.

I'm currently using a standard biped rig in 3DSMax.
One way to handle stuff like this is to make the straps a part of the underlying surface, make them contiguous where the strap meets the skin (or shirt). Then you only have to deal with the regular stretching issues you always get with shoulders. No splitting or clipping.
Also, it's better to embed art directly in your threads. Less clicks = more feedback. On that site, right-click the image, open image in new tab (Chrome), copy the url, here in your post click the Attach Image/File button, and paste the url.
As for welding the straps into the actual skin, that's a brilliant idea. The only problem is I'm trying to keep the character super low poly and looking at it, the only way I can weld the straps to the character is by adding a large amount of really messy geometry into him. I'm going to have a bash at it anyway though!