I have a scene that needs a shit-ton of decals in it, so I was just wondering , rather than saving each one out individually is there a way to create a 'texture' atlas that where the individual decals reference a certain area of it? Or does Unreal not support UV's for decal materials?
Also, is there a way to get decals to affect only one texture channel? Ie if i only want a decal that affects the normals of the underlying surface, but not the color or roughness, etc
I know a lot of this was addressed in this thread
http://polycount.com/discussion/155894/decal-technique-from-star-citizen/p1 but that has to do more with placing 'floater' planes and then creating a tri-planar projection material to handle relationship with underlying surface, but that tends to screw with the lightmaps when you build lighting.
Yes, there are some decal modes to affect only specific channels, ie normals.
Search for an atlas texture material setup, and check out the decal doc in the UE4 documentation.
Is this what you were referring to as far the UE4 documentation? https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Resources/ContentExamples/Decals/1_2/index.html I guess the DBuffer decals is what I'm after?