Just started a new project, making an environment based off of a piece of concept art from Deus Ex. I loved the lighting in this scene and the variety of materials that are used. I have blocked out the area and started creating the meshes in Maya. I put together a first pass at a material and applied it to the finished desk so I could get a feel for the workflow and aesthetic for the later assets. I appreciate any comments and critiques! Thanks all.
-Eric Kilkenny

Small update: Rolling chairs, overhang, side table with chord, and lights made.
Update: changed the light Alcove to better fit the concept, blocked out where the flag will be draped, added the wall with the vents in the foreground, and populated the space with different technological elements such as the big-screen, the computer tower, and the wall modules.
Update: Tweaked lighting and made the hanging computer screens in the back. Next I will be moving on to the larger chairs, the flag, and other large pieces.
Update: I added the corner pillars and the bookcase.
I did a lot of scaling adjustments and tweaks to the size of the overall scene, namely the height of the ceiling and the width on the right side, if anyone sees any glaring inconsistencies with the original concept I would very much appreciate the feedback.
-Eric Kilkenny
Vents, Trim, and the rise on the back wall added. Lighting retweaked.
The pieces for the lounge chair. Some work still needs to be done to the wooden frame, I'll probably be going back and re-making it in maya to get the grooves I want.
Thanks for the feedback!
Finished the draped flag, and am finishing up the low poly for the chair. I added emissive maps to the hanging lights to see how they would affect the lighting in the scene. I think I need to play more with balancing the light areas versus the darker parts, since I either seem to be drifting towards too dark or too bright. Going to keep fiddling around with that, so until next time...peace!
Lots of changes and progress. I made a mistake with my lighting but it has been fixed as well as in the process of being redone. My previous scenes were too dark compared to the original concept and the colors were a bit too saturated. I'll be playing with that as I continue on. The chair has been baked and put into the scene, with a few other assets added here and there. I've made a spline for the hanging wires and a blueprint for the text on the back screen to make it scroll, as I have tested here in real time.
Trying a new look for the floor panels, I like them a lot better. Tweaking the lighting and playing with the roughness of the materials I have in there to make sure the scene ends up being cohesive when its done. Added a couple more assets and placed more wires in the scene. Next i'll be moving on to populating the ceiling space more and finishing the screen blueprints.
Did some experimentation with the screens, namely overlaying the moving text over a static background while maintaining the emissive glow. I almost have it, the only trouble is the text itself becomes very hard to see, as shown here. It is there, its much more noticeable when it is moving, but it needs to be more visible, so I will be tweaking that further.
I have been doing a lot of 'behind the scenes' work on my material workflow using Quixel, and now I am well into getting everything textured.
Continuing to finish up the materials left in the scene, I want to revisit the chair and base of the Center Desk, its looking a little flat. Tweaking lighting, more or less wrapping up all of the elements in the next few days.
Current state of the scene. Redid the lighting and gave the screens some much-needed love.