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Mudbox Normal baking weirdness

polycounter lvl 7
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Dextkiller polycounter lvl 7
Hi everyone! Today is my first day on polycount and I come to you with an issue. I'm a student and my assignment was to bake out some normals for a crate. Well, I'm having a strange issue with the normal map. 

This picture is from maya, but the same problem is happening over in mudbox where I originally baked the normals. 
The outside slats are completely flat, and have no particular reason to be slicing all weird like they are. I've ruled out that the high poly for this model is the issue, as I've baked the map from it onto a 6 sided low poly model as well without any issues:

I've tried everything I can think of. I've flipped normals, hardened/softened edges, changed edge flow, etc. For some reason the normals are cutting along the hidden tris. I tried triangulating the mesh and doing all of the above again to no effect. 

Here are my normal bake settings in Mudbox:

If anyone could offer some insight that would be fantastic. Like I said I'm a student, and this is my first time baking normals ever (i've been told mudbox isn't the best tool for this, but unfortunately it's part of my assignment). 
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