Hello all. I want to do character modeling in the industry so i always create characters any second i have the chance. I have so many base models, finished characters, and awesome concepts. But i never animate any of my characters... It's like i'm afraid to or something. Is it bad? Is there any way to get over this hurdle?
Also what's your method for getting a concept for a character? I fall into a creative rut sometimes thinking up a new character.
it'll get you started.
However if you are asking if its a good idea to learn some basic rigging skills, then I would say yes. Mainly because it will help you create better characters going forward.
It will give you a good understanding of what tolopogy works best for animation. But most importantly IMO you will understand why some things work better than others when you have to go through the pain of skinning a mesh yourself.
run cycles( not great , but passable). I would love to be a great natural talent at animation but i am not lol
i can a get a walk or looking maybe 75 percent ok, but then I can't seem to improve it any more
I worked with this 'grumpy' bloke a few years back who reckoned that you can't learn animation, you are either good or you are not.
not sure what i think of that really, since I always came down on the side of natural talent when it comes to art.
I still think its a good thing to learn even if you never make it as a proper animator.
time to get at least good at it. I am not sure if I would be down with all the techinal side of it - involves thinking too much:)
also doesn't game anim these days involve a lot of cleaning up mo cap?. I would hate that literally, seen collleagues doing that and they hated it too.
Supersexysoapturtle - again concepting is not my thing. I used to do 2d illustration but I think to be a good concept artist
is a tough thing to master. maybe using mood boards with various photo refs is another way to go