Home Contests & Challenges Archives Allegorithmic's the Beast

The Beast - Halcyon (Ape_Errata)


The age of man has past... The world has grown tall and verdant in their absence. Cities have fallen toppled and overgrown by the forests and the seas. Few creatures remember a time when men walked in their midst. The Beast is one of the last. He gazes upon her face and remembers a far off time as the light of day grows short and the shadows long.

Halcyon -

denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful

Beast - Pinterest Board

Thumbnails/Initial Exploration:

Thumbnail sketches to explore some ideas/motifs.

Beast sketch 01:

I did a very rough and dirty sketch overlay on top of a basic zsphere model I created in Zbrush.

Beast model rough in:

Beast sketch 02:

A slightly longer sketch overlay on top of my rough in model in Zbrush. I further refined the pose and started playing around more with the Beast's anatomy. I also started exploring the idea of what I want to do with the pedestal to tie it into the story/design of the piece.

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