I'm rendering in Zbrush and want to export just the colored part of the hair, not the black background. Is it possible to export the render with a transparent background?
I finally figured it out and it sucked the life out of me.
1. In Zbrush change the background color to white (255,255,255)
2. Click BPR Render.
3. Document --> Export --> .. This should be your render with a white background.
4. Render --> BPR RenderPass --> Mask .. Export this mask, it should be your object in mostly white with a black background.
5. In photoshop open up your render, the one with the white background.
6. Channels --> create new channel .. then copy your mask image here (the one with black background).
7. Double left click the layer image of your new channel that you created which contains the mask you just pasted. You should notice parts are selected.
7. Now go back to layers and copy and paste from your render with the white background.
You should now have what you rendered without anything in the background.
Does someone know a simple way to do this? There should be an option in Zbrush that lets you export a render with a transparent background.
Using BPR to export a separate mask pass is the way you want to go though. It'll give you a nice anti-aliased result too.
Your photoshop steps might be a little busier than necessary as well, if I'm reading it right (especially #7). It's really a quick process to export and set up a layer mask.
If you have multiple passes to work with then you could select the mask and apply it to the other layers, but it would be even quicker to use clipping layers or a single masked layer group instead.
no need photoshop. I built this plugin for my game projects to collect crystal clear UI element renders.
ZCornea is free and useful.
if you find a better faster way plz tell us. to you save our days.