I was just wondering how would you approach an animation where a character needed to put on/ take off clothing (like getting dressed in the morning, putting on a coat, etc)?
aaah..the sad limitation of 3D animation...actually, motions that requires meticulous care of clothing such as putting clothes on requires more tahn just your usual rig and cloths simulation...you would need some tech guy to manage scene like that...
Each article of cloth would almost require a different setup and could vary in difficulty pretty drastically. I had to put on a full body suit for a commercial ( http://www.3dfiggins.com/scrap/0527_Skrull_suit_03.avi.mov ) and the setup consisted of about 200-300 free floating joints with a blend constraint on each. So when the area was on the ground it was in global, and when it reached the point on the body it would snap the constraint to local. It was tedious, but this was a long time ago before cloth was readily available.
Long time ago i worked on a game with a lot of dressing/undressing. Given the amount of clothes, and corresponding individual movements, we did the undressing with one symbolic animation, and let the clothes simply switch at the end of the animation. A thing you still see a lot in games, when characters switch their weapons etc... The undressing animation was the character pulling an imaginative t-shirt over his head. It worked fine.
I'd probably rig the upper torso/shoulder area with joints and animate that conventionally and try cloth sim on the remainder. or, you know, fade to black and back.
I still notice games tend to cut to a different shot as soon as the character is either putting on clothes or if an NPC is handing the player something.
Long time ago i worked on a game with a lot of dressing/undressing. Given the amount of clothes, and corresponding individual movements, we did the undressing with one symbolic animation, and let the clothes simply switch at the end of the animation. A thing you still see a lot in games, when characters switch their weapons etc... The undressing animation was the character pulling an imaginative t-shirt over his head. It worked fine.
Hopefully this will help and keep you motivated with more intricate clothes changes.
So I guess, it's still a tough thing to pull off.