OK, so I'm working on a character unwrapping it and all. Then I saw another character made by someone else and its UVs and I was wondering how I could achieve similar results as it.
This is what the UV looks like - Results I want to achieve
I'd like to know how I can get it to be this squared and not distort the shell
This is what I get when I UV, also same character I just edit the UV to simulate my results and to show difference.
Your mesh is really more complex than the one in my example and might need additional vertex relaxation in places (like the crotch area).
An alternate way that i used to do when i had no Peel Mode in Max was to simply use soft selection and move vertices roughly in place than align them (like vertically or horrizontally) and than relaxing the whole island with "Keep Boundary Points Fixed" but nowadays i use only Blender so i'm much more used to this method down.