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Re-inveted chimera

Hi guys, after a little research about the meaning of the word "beast" (animal drived only by instinct and that the human can not control and usually he is scared it) I decided to re-invent the mythological beast chimera merging different animals and this is my first concept..
P.s. I have never drawn in photoshop before, so now it do not looks very scary but I can do better in 3D :)



  • SpiritCastle
    For practical purposes it would be cool to see the scorpion tail reversed so that it arcs down, since this guy would attack while he is flying? and the prey would be lower? at the moment is hard to picture him trying to sting something in-front of him while he is flying. Think of bees or wasps their stinger arcs down. Just something to think about, but i really like the idea you have, cant wait to see it done.
  • Orsony
    Offline / Send Message
    Orsony polycounter lvl 4
    This is awesome. The idea of a batscorpionfrog is imo a way better idea than a scary beast.
  • Boozebeard
    Offline / Send Message
    Boozebeard polycounter lvl 11
    Ha, I think I Photoshoped something similar together years ago except with a sharks head (they have pretty similar shaped heads so fits really well). The idea of swarms of shark headed frogs still haunts my nightmares.
  • patrickdallatorre
    For practical purposes it would be cool to see the scorpion tail reversed so that it arcs down, since this guy would attack while he is flying? and the prey would be lower? at the moment is hard to picture him trying to sting something in-front of him while he is flying. Think of bees or wasps their stinger arcs down. Just something to think about, but i really like the idea you have, cant wait to see it done.
    Thanks so much for the advice. in fact i did not think about this .. and now I would try to resolve the problem and make sure That this beast can attack also in front of him ..
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