I think you need to study more perspective. The structure of the scene is confusing. You need a horizon line to derive every platform from, so they all look consistent and physically plausible.
I think you need to study more perspective. The structure of the scene is confusing. You need a horizon line to derive every platform from, so they all look consistent and physically plausible.
You need a horizon line to derive every platform from, so they all look consistent and physically plausible.
You can find information on perspective here, in a recommended order:
- Andrew Loomis' book "Successful Drawing" (Lots of pratical, to-the-point examples on perspective.)
- http://www.ctrlpaint.com/videos/?tag=perspective
- http://drawabox.com/lesson/14 (On composition.)
- http://handprint.com/HP/WCL/tech10.html (This is advanced perspective, you should read this after having some experience.)
A rushed example.