I've got a bit of a problem getting my ladder climb animations to sync with an actual ladder ingame.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA5hoErsu6QI'm moving the root to always stay under the bottom foot.
I had it move up into the pelvis before, but decided to try the foot instead, to keep the capsule collider where it should be - for triggers later, getting off the ladder..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JxkbFROdyUWhat I am NOT doing ingame atm is snapping the character to a set point at the ladder, I've just placed the ladder somewhere where I think it looks good enough for now. But the animation offsets more and more the further you climb up and down.
I'm wondering if it would have to do with the way I've solved the root or if there is a secret here I don't know about..
Have you loaded the fbx of your character animation back into a maya scene with the exact ladder to double check?
I haven't double checked with the ladder after exporting, but I'm using the same ladder in motion builder as well as in unity
I don't know..
I'll place the character on the exact spot I want her and have her lookat the ladder- like I do with door and other interact-animations..
As far as a solution, I assume you could either ensure that when the character gets to the ladder, that the root will always be at an expected position as it lines up to the ladder, or try to get together an IK solution that will allow the hands and arms to have a bit of play when they are grasping at the rungs.
(second time posting)
I think the problem might have been with the ladder mesh from the get go..
I wrote a long text about it earlier, but now I'll just say sorry to bother you all with this shit, thank you both for taking the time to give your thoughts about the matter!
I've gone back and redone the ladder, the animations get a bit messy when just trying to quickly fix them, so I might redo them all... argh
thanks again for taking the time with this silly problem of mine!