Hi everyone!
This is my first topic here, so pretty excited!
Recently I've been following a great tutorial from Alex Jerjomin (which can be found here) on how to sculpt a stylized weapon. I've changed the design in a few ways so I it wouldn't be the same as in the tutorial. I've really learned a lot from it but I still have a long way ahead of me.
I'll do another texturing method than in the tutorial, was thinking to give this little friend a hand painted texture.
High poly sculpt is pretty much done. Next step is retopping and baking, but before I go ahead I'd love to get some feedback on my progress so far.
Much appreciated!

From a sculpting perspective I've got no feedback - looks great. From a design perspective, the haft bending back towards you looks a bit awkward. Getting fatter and bending back less IMO would help make it look more authentic and not hurt the style
but good job so far!
I drew a few designs for another back blade and I also tried a hammer-like backside, but idk if this will work very well.
I'll be away for a schooltrip for 10 days but when I'm back, I'll finish this one asap!
I've been really busy with my internship past few months, but I finally picked this one up again!
Didn't change too much about the sculpt anymore, deleted some craks, reduced the curve and added some straps around the blade part.
My plan was to make a PBR version textured in Quixel (as done in the tutorial), but also a handpainted version.
The PBR version is comming along quite nicely imo. Still have some stuff to do before it's final, but since I've never worked with Quixel before, it's going a little slower than expected. My laptop is also having quite a hard time to run Quixel, but I'll get there!
I think right now the overal version is too dark, but I'm having a hard time getting the good tones and colors right because they are completely different in Quixel compared to marmoset, altho my Quixel preferences are set to Marmoset toolbag 2...
Here is the version I have right now, stil have to spend some more time on the cloth and wood parts.
I also just started the handpainted version. I'll be using the AO I got from baking in xNormal as a base and then make my textures with Photoshop and 3d Coat. First of all, I started of with a quick little paintover to get some color ideas. My idea is to have some kind of fantasy looking axe with a nice glowing magic effect in the symbols of the blade.
Feel free to give feedback on both versions. Let me know wich color version you prefer, also if none of them is good enough yet in your opinion. Still at an early stage, so I wanna have this right before I start going further!
Thanks alot in advance,
@Shinigami As I mentioned at the beginning of this thread, I followed a tutorial for the biggest part of it (sculpt and PBR version) but I made a few changes on the design so it's not exactly the same. I also added a handpainted version, which I'm doing without any tutorial.
I want to see the final version!
@RobertThat's some really great feedback you got there, thank you!
Made a quick render in Marmoset, still some light shading due to smoothing groups I guess. Gonna fix that at then end when I'm presenting the final.
but your cloth looks nice!
Main part of what I did is the fire/lava effect. Tried to make it look more like lava and gave it a little glow. Still not there yet with the effect, but it's atleast better than it was before imo.
hopefully you understand what I mean
This is looking really nice so far. I think you can push the lava effect just a slight bit more, and also give some love to the second ring beneath the handle. Finally, set-up and emissive mask for this and let's see it in an engine!