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Solved: Suite Seems Really Broken

polycounter lvl 7
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Utility polycounter lvl 7
1) nDO won't open at all
2) dDO opens, lets me input maps, creates maps, then closes
3) 3DO works fine, shows error on launch

nDO refuses to do anything when I hit the nDO button in Suite. The button will be in the pressed down state, but nothing is happening. dDO appears to open okay, but when I try to load a map in a new project, I get an error - "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80029C4A): Error loading type library/DLL. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A(TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY))." It also shows the same error at every stage of the map creation process. When it's done processing the maps, it simply closes. The icon will also be in the pressed down state. When I try to open 3DO, it shows the same error that dDO displays at launch, but otherwise works fine. This is probably the most broken I've ever seen the Suite - if anything, I'll just reinstall and see if that helps (otherwise it's an early night for me, woo).

Suite 2.1.0
Photoshop CC2014 + CS5

For what it's worth, Suite on my current config has worked almost flawlessly until now.


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