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Solved: Re-Import Color ID mask map. How?

polycounter lvl 7
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Defonten polycounter lvl 7
Sorry if it was asked 100 times already but.. How do I reimport my Color IDs mask? :) I've already gone 60% of my material assignment but now I decided that a few parts of my mesh need different material properties. Is it possible?


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Normally it is possible, but we've run into an unexpected issue with CID maps. For now, what you can do is use your ID map to create a custom mask:

    Select the color you'd like to mask with, using the Magic Wand in Photoshop.
    Create a new layer, fill that with white.
    CTRL+A, CTRL+C to select all and copy.
    Open DynaMask for the layer or group you'd like to mask, set it to black.
    Click Paint Mask in Photoshop - the paintbrush icon directly above Accept Mask.
    DynaMask will transfer to Photoshop - CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste in place, so your mask stays where it was created.
    Click Accept Mask, and repeat as needed.

    It sounds like a lot of work, but it only takes a few seconds and will function as a workaround for now until we get this color ID issue resolved. :smile: 
  • Defonten
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    Defonten polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks a lot!!! Works great!
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