You can't. The repeating nature of the texture will always be noticeable, to a greater/lesser degree depending on the distinctive appearance of certain features in the texture.
One way to hide it is to layer/blend it with other textures, and/or use decals to break it up.
First step is to carefully edit the textures to hide major repeating features. Dodge and Burn in Photoshop is good for this. Have to be careful though, the more you massage a texture, the more bland it becomes.
Then there are some blending techniques to minimize repetition. UDN has some good techniques here.
But these tricks really only work at close to medium distances. If the player can fly high enough, they will eventually see the tiling patterns break through.
You can't. The repeating nature of the texture will always be noticeable, to a greater/lesser degree depending on the distinctive appearance of certain features in the texture.
One way to hide it is to layer/blend it with other textures, and/or use decals to break it up.
First step is to carefully edit the textures to hide major repeating features. Dodge and Burn in Photoshop is good for this. Have to be careful though, the more you massage a texture, the more bland it becomes.
Then there are some blending techniques to minimize repetition.
UDN has some good techniques here.
But these tricks really only work at close to medium distances. If the player can fly high enough, they will eventually see the tiling patterns break through.
We have more tricks here
You can also add detail meshes like grass, small rocks, etc. But again that only works for closeup distances. My 2 cents.