http://www.indiedb.com/games/them-usUE4 forums:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1wf4IXTw3oWe are currently looking for new experienced C++, that can help us get the game up and running. Right now we have everything you need to work with, all player animations pretty much done (all mocap), all zombie animations done, all sounds and music done, lots of 3d assets finished, documentation enough to work with.
In the past we had many programmers not much active due to their social life, we need someone that is enough dedicated to help us build the A.I, character, weapons & items. That can stick with us focusing on the project we make without having other projects involved or limited time.
[Programmer] Requirements:1. Good Unreal Engine 4 experience about animation montage, blend spacing, blueprints etc.
2. C++ experience
3. Multiplayer code experience.
https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/Networking/3. Able to work with other programmers.
What we need:
1.Serious people to work with, developers exited to work for Them & Us game, candidates that likes to create games and like games. All the people we are working with, are people dedicated to the game we are making, active people.
2. Experienced artists, to create high quality assets, and a great game. Candidates should expect to take a small offsite test to see your dedication and skills.
Is this a paid job:
The game we are working at is based on royalty, every staff member is going to be paid according to all the work he/she done as soon the game "will be ready and sold". Before that we going to go crowdfunding. Right now things goes really well in the art department, myself for example as the project lead I work every day more than 14h to be sure everything goes well.
For any other questions please let us know.
How to Apply:If you are interested working with us please send a message here: