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Answered: Trial license expired on first day

polycounter lvl 5
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llRobinll polycounter lvl 5
Hi there, at the game studio I work we are seeing if we want to introduce the latest version of Ddo to our workflow.
We are currently trying the 30 day trial. After quite some issues (warning pop up behind panels) we got it to work on a Windows 7 system.
On the Windows 10 system the painting tools did not work (the painting panel in the viewer was not there). So I decided to try a reinstall. Unfortunately now I get the message that the trial is expired. Some help with this issue would be nice. 


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Robin!

    Sorry about the trouble! We can step-by-step troubleshoot for you if you'd like. Did the W10 system have the Suite installed at any point previously? If it didn't and you continue to receive this error, I can get a 30-day license issued to you for trial purposes. :smile: 

    In regards to painting, closing 3DO and reopening it with DynaMask open should resolve that.
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