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Solved: dDo wont detect some colors on my ID map

polycounter lvl 2
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JustinW3D polycounter lvl 2
Hello, so I have had this issue for a bit here. I'll explain what I did to my id map first, I baked one from 3ds max which works fine, then later I took that map into photoshop to paint some more colors for things that I did on my normal map (Bolts, Cords, etc).

When importing to DDO some of them are just not detected leaving empty space. I tried going back to change some of the colors but ddo will not re-import my id map either. When I try re-importing the id map and rerendering it, it goes through the process but when finished still has the old id map on the photoshop tab, and when i hold C i still see the old id map's colors. I also get this blank border around some of my details that are getting through, I had fixed it by clearing the base materials mask but it has returned and doing this no longer works.

Its done this on 1.8 and now I am using 2.0. I have restarted my project numerous times now and still get the same issues.

Also, I cannot post any images as this a work project.

Edit: Fixed white border issue, until I tried reimporting my id map again then it returned.


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Justin!

    ID reimporting is currently not functioning perfectly, so I'll address the missing ID colors - dDo filters colors out for noise, anything smaller than a certain amount of pixels will get culled. Try adding some padding of two to ten pixels around the ID in question and use that in a new project to see if that helps.

    Otherwise, what you can do as a workaround (and this affects the ID reimporting mentioned earlier) is select the color ID in Photoshop that you want to use as a mask, create a new layer, fill that selection with white. Select all, copy the layer, and go to dDo and open DynaMask for the area you'd like to mask off. Click Paint Mask in Photoshop (paintbrush icon above Accept Mask) and CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste the mask in the same place as it was painted. Using a black DynaMask too, of course. It sounds involved but it only takes a few moments to do this per ID to get around the issue with reimporting for now.

    Sorry about the trouble - let me know if I can be of any further assistance! :smile: 
  • JustinW3D
    Offline / Send Message
    JustinW3D polycounter lvl 2
    Thank you very much for the quick response, I will add some padding and see if that does the trick and will post later about how it went.

    Thanks again.
  • JustinW3D
    Offline / Send Message
    JustinW3D polycounter lvl 2
    That seemed to have worked, some of them did not I guess they are just too small. Luckily I have 2.0 and can work around it. 

    Thank you.
  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
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