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In-progress: Paint mode stoped working

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b4nj0 null
For some reasons, dynamask painting stoped to work for me.(Ps Cs3)
I can use the simple dynamask mode to apply mask textures, but everything i paint gets ignored when pressing accept mask.
I also tryed to reinstall Quixel Suite, but its still not working.(2.04 and 2.1).
Someone has any suggestions?


  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    We'll need more information, B4njo - what are your system specifications? Are you using a laptop or desktop? What error messages are you getting in reference to "still not working"? :smile: 
  • b4nj0
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    b4nj0 null
    I'm Using Quixel on Windows 8.1 64Bit Desktop
    Hardwarespecs: i7-5820k 3.3ghz , 16GB Ram, Gtx Titan black

    There is no error messages or crashes or something. When i hit accept mask, it tryes to bake my painted data but nothing appears in the final mask (it stays white , or gets the dynamask texture).
    1 Week ago everything worked fine. I installed 2.1 version and today i realized it doesn't take the paint data into the mask.
    I reinstalled Quixel 2.0.4 but it still doesn't bake the paint data.

    Edit: The paint-data is still aviable in 3DO and i can still paint and alter it. I also tryed to reuse a model i already painted earlyer, but it still won't bake the painted mask into the material mask
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Let's take this to Quixel Live Support. Please tag me there (my name is in my signature) and I'll get the developers to take a closer look at this issue. :smile: 
  • b4nj0
    Offline / Send Message
    b4nj0 null
    I made a request to joint the live support group as Marcel Schmidt, i must wait until it gets accepted.

    I just finished downloading Quixel 2.0.3 and there the paint mode works as intended
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