So Ive bee working on some stuff and have run into some issues.
The biggest being that the export doesnt seem to work right. When Im in 3do and finally have what I like, I hit the export button in the top left corner (is there a different to export that Im not seeing?) and get an export dialogue. When I enter in what I want and export it creates only 1 file for me, an Aldebo map. So no normal, no metalness etc..
So Ill manually export a metalness map + normal. The only problem here is the metalness maps basically always come out wrong because Quixel isn't baking the smoothness map into the Alpha channel like it should (right? Im just assuming here) for play with Unity's metalness workflow. Im exporting all my maps as PNGS and Ive set the project up to be 16 bit.
Does Quixel not bake the smoothness map into the Metalness alpha channel?
Its causing some head ache because Ive not only do I have to manually export maps for every channel, I now need manually seperate out the smoothness map (which Im sure im not getting everything I need to for it)- and combine it with the Metalness map for it to be right.
Its almost too much effort than its worth.
I know I must be doing something wrong here possibly.. or this is something that Quixel doesn't do (and Im sure it does because ive set the target to be Unity 5 Metalness).
Id really appreciate any help I could get! Many thanks!
Close Photoshop if it's running.
Right-click on Photoshop, run as adminstrator.
Close Photoshop after it loads.
Run the Suite, and try exporting again.
Let me know if this assists at all.
I did have everything set as 16 bit. Is it normal though for Quixel to only export your colour map when you run the export tool?
Ill try your other suggestions and update! Thanks!
So that does not seem to work for me. I re-opened PS in admin mode. Closed it once it loaded and then re-opened via Quixel and exported but Im still getting just 1 map (albedo) exported. If I export the metalness layer manually it still does just the RGB with no Smoothness in the alpha channel.
For reference Im using the latest Creative Cloud release of PS.
I tried down grading PS to the 2014 CC to see if that fixes the issue but still nada.
The fix for me was to export to Targas and not PNG or BMP.
That's a probleme because tga files take a huge amout of space and I need to manually convert them to png in order to distribute my models.